język polskijęzyk angielski

Collection (scenes from the life of the provinces)

Original language of the play
3F, 8M + a television team
Original title
Kolekcja (sceny z życia prowincji)

A man called “Old”, after many years, comes back to his hometown from his journey to South America. Many “benevolent” people turn up, a soon as he arrives, as they suspect they could make business with “Old”. “Old” comes up with an idea of creating a museum of butterflies he brought from America. The project could change the life of theprovince, but nobody believes it could come true. The only people who care about something in the little town are“Old”, “Crazy” and the “Drunkard”- the defender of the poor. Jakubowski grasped in a wonderful way the spirit and the language of the province.