język polskijęzyk angielski

My life as a rabbit

Female cast
Male cast
Original language of the play
Original title
Moje życie królicze

My Life as a Rabbit by Izabela Morska has a female cast and offers a farcical picture of a lesbian couple's "domestic bliss" whose only intruder is a TV set. The action is limited to their domestic sphere only, so any confrontation between the private/personal and the public/political is avoided, though still represented in a symbolic way. The characters, Z. and H., announce at the very beginning that they will make love only in their imagination because they are too exhausted for any physical contact. This way, the focus is immediately shifted to the emotional, the intellectual and the cultural, without de-sexing the characters at the same time. In other words, their sexual life is reflected in other, everyday activities. Z. and H. simply sleep, talk, fight, comfort each other, then argue again. Their dialogue is focused on childhood, love, motherhood, jealousy, betrayal and forgiveness – the way they see it from their perspective filtered through their experience, fears and (homo-erotic) desire. After watching a TV programme on lesbians, which promotes myths and stereotypes, Z. comes to the conclusion that, if they are to stay together, the tv set must go. In fact, being an agreeable couple, they reach a compromise: in the final scene a silent TV set ends up on their sofa, while they sit on the TV table, suggesting that from now on the TV is to watch them to correct the misconceptions and false myths.

This ostensibly light-hearted comedy is a revealing metaphor of how our thinking about gender and sexual behaviour is influenced by the outside world (represented here by TV). In short, Morska successfully reveals what stereotypes conceal. Many serious questions underline the witty, thoughtful dialogues: What happens when female sexuality is placed outside the 'heterosexual regime', can it freely explore and express itself? How can the feminine libido exhibit itself? How does women's sexuality, liberated from hetero regulations, affect their behaviour, views and attitudes? And finally, how does womanly perception of the world change when she becomes an expert and explorer rather than an object to be known and explored?

Elwira M. Grossman – a quote taken from Who is Afraid of Gender and Sexuality? Plays by Women (Contemporary Theatre Review, Vol.15(1), 2005, str.108)