język polskijęzyk angielski


Female cast
Male cast
Original language of the play
"Lalki/Les poupéss", French premiere: 13.05.2011, Théâtre Sorano in Toulous, Compagnie Pollen, dir. Katarzyna Kurzeja, during the Universcènes festival
monodrama for a woman; available in French (translated by Kinga Joucaviel); published in Dialog magazine, issue 7-8/2010
Original title

Dolls - Michał Zdunik's debut play - is a story of a woman who, led astray by illusions, decides to adopt all abandoned children. She begins her monologue, in which many different "voices" clash, representing different speech registers, press and literary genres. It is a portrait of a person lost in schizophrenia, without a coherent identity, with a completely broken up personality, but also a picture of a woman and womanhood in the modern world. There are excerpts from newspapers, fragments of colloquial conversations and TV reports, constantly repeated conventional phrases and so-called "common wisdom".

The main protagonist of the play is the language - deconstructed, carried to the limits of absurdity in its fossilized, media and dialoguing forms, arranged in a musical, strongly rhythmic structure. Dolls can be sung, chanted, shouted, you can let yourself be swept away by a deluge of words hiding a real tragedy underneath. It is so difficult to reach it today - it is constantly erased by everyday gibberish, clickbait phrases, and the noise of conversations. They hide the real drama of women, who must be artificial, socialized, enslaved. Like dolls.