język polskijęzyk angielski


For children
Female cast
Male cast
Original language of the play
the play received a distinction in XXI CSD Competition in Poznań
Cast details
one actress plays three characters
Original title

"The drama is to a large extent a monologue of the main character, who also presents his views and attitude to life through the performance. We get to know the story of a boy who, after a serious accident, is paralysed and sentenced to a wheelchair. The new situation affects his relations with his loved ones. His mother becomes his nurse and the girlfriend only visits him out of pity. Subsequent scenes show the daily struggle with the disease, the nervous looks of the people he meets, the lack of understanding and longing for life before the accident. His world turns into one of an unlimited imagination, thanks to which he can experience things that even healthy people do not dream of. The protagonist treats both himself and others consciously and not entirely seriously.

In life - unlike in a film - you can't keep anything in a stop frame. For the main character, it is the moment of an accident that reappraises and changes his life forever. More and more often we see the real world through the lens of films or computer games, sometimes a momentary pause is needed to see that reality is governed by completely different laws".

(source: nowesztuki.pl)

  • Malina Prześluga’s play received a distinction in XXI CSD Competition in Poznań.