język polskijęzyk angielski

Sour milk

Female cast
Male cast
Original language of the play
awarded in the 6th edition of the Metaphors of Reality competition (Metafory Rzeczywistości)
Cast details
7F or (5F, 2M) or (6F, 1M)
Original title
Kwaśne mleko

The main characters in this text are women: Alina, her daughter, Mum, and Mum's Mum. Alina becomes pregnant at a young age and encounters ostracism from women related to her and then stubborn indoctrination to the role of mother. The lack of support and her inability to find herself in a difficult situation force Alina to make the dramatic decision to have an abortion. It is easy to judge her as the only one responsible, but is it right? All the women in her family are burdened with some kind of genetic flaw, and the question of what it actually is remains the central theme of this play. Is it about the gene of a stereotypical Polish mother 'responsible for compassion and entering into many roles at once'? Between them there are auxiliary characters, elements of the cultural or metaphysical order: The First Cell, the Primary Social Cell, Our Lady, the Light, the Choir of Passers-by and the Choir of Saints, which conduct the narrative, allowing us to approach the problem from many perspectives.

The author refers to the topic of infanticide, a subject eagerly taken up by the media, particularly in infamous cases like that of Katarzyna W. Malina Prześluga, however, avoids easy judgments and accusations, wondering about the universal concept of the origin of evil and its causes, social conditions, motherhood, inheritance. Sour milk poses questions without imposing clear answers.

  • Text awarded in the 6th edition of the Metaphors of Reality competition - won the main prize (ex-aequo), the journalists' award and the audience award.
  • The text had its premiere in November 2013 at Teatr Polski in Poznań, directed by Ula Kijak.