This black comedy, which is, as usual in Anna Burzyńska’s works, filled with numerous unexpected turns of events, takes place in a Funeral Home. Ada, who works there, is a mortuary cosmetologist, but she also does special commissions… On this particular day, she is to work on a body of a man whom “God did not bless with good looks.” When Ada is powdering his nose, the man suddenly comes back to life. The woman faints. After a round of genuinely witty banter, it turns out that the man doesn’t remember who he is nor how or why he “died”. However, when he finds a balaclava in the pocket of his coat, he remembers that he is a hit man – one tasked with killing Ada at that. All because Ada made a fool of a don by mistakenly likening him with makeup to Shrek instead of Al Capone. Unfortunately, the resolute Ada has already stolen his heart, and the man finds it hard to resist her charms. These feelings make him “analyze this” in philosophical contemplation of how to have his cake and eat it too. Seizing the opportunity, Ada takes control of the situation. Now she wants to kill the man, because, as she puts it, “it’s better to take somebody out than to be taken out”. The tables turn, and now it is the man who has to find a way to save his life. What happens next with the pair of lovers from the funeral home? You have to find out for yourself.