język polskijęzyk angielski

Berlin Porn

Female cast
Male cast
Original language of the play
Cast details
up to the director’s decision
Original title
Berlin Porn

Berlin Porn is a 21-part poem/drama about lust, insatiability and violence, in which the report from a porn festival is intertwined with the story of Jacek Unterweger, a famous Austrian prostitute murderer from the 1980s and 1990s. Let's see what a reviewer had to say:

Strong reading, exciting and painful [...]. Torn apart by contradictions, stretched as if on a torture device, between hunger and excess, Eros is a source of eternal torment. The logic of desire makes fulfillment impossible, a man tortured by desire feels either lacking or overwhelmed. ... from nothingness, from emptiness, desire emerges. At the other extreme, there is the confrontation with the traumatic redundancy of the body, with matter ("cut something out of me"). Sex imperceptibly turns into violence, the boundary between the two is very unclear here, it is perhaps a matter of taste, not to say consumer choice. The title of the poem refers to the name of the Berlin festival of pornographic films. I have the impression that Oparek uses an ironic tension between the unbridled content of the films (it is often just about violence, mainly against women) and the "civilized" setting of this content: discussion panels, "discourses" about sexuality, a euphemistic language that dictates speaking about "actions" rather than about deeds. In this setting, or perhaps simply never, there can be no talk of "healthy" love.

(Julia Fiedorczuk, „Biuro Literackie”)