język polskijęzyk angielski

Just a word

For children
Female cast
Male cast
Original language of the play
Ball, Ctule, Polish Language, Dirty Word, Gull, Logoped
Cast details
cast of 6 people
Original title
Chodź na słówko

Ctule sticks a play dough beak on the Ball to make her into a real Gull. Ctule himself would like to be at least a „yesctule”, the only logical opposite of a „noctule”, just like “thing” is the opposite of “nothing”, or “yeswhere” is the opposite of “nowhere”. Ctule suffers, because he feels incomplete and meaningless. They were both invented by a small girls who doesn’t speak all that well yet. They decide to get some advice. That’s how they and up visiting the Logoped and the Polish Language, at whom they stick out their tongues and ask for a diagnosis and the missing words. Polish also has a problem – at school he’s treated just like any other subject. They also meet a Dirty Word. The Gull learns what it means to be a real bird, squawking and not understanding much, and it doesn’t fit her personality all that great. Malina Prześluga’s witty text talks about creativity, imagination and accepting who we are.